High Quality K-Style Gutter End Caps – Left And Right
K-Style gutter end caps are an essential addition to any installation. Regardless of the material you choose, the size of your gutters or your architectural design, end cups are absolutely essential. As Northshore Sheet Metals, we guarantee that our end cups will always match our gutters perfectly and, when properly installed, will form a perfect unit with the other components of the system.
K Gutter End Caps
Fitted with aluminum K-style gutters, aluminum downspouts and aluminum box mitters, K-style gutter end caps create a consistent, durable and highly efficient drainage system. Utilizing 0.032” of Kynar 500 synthetic coated aluminum, the gutter caps we sell outclass competing solutions and give you a guarantee that their operation will be completely trouble-free for many years.
Ogee gutters end caps, like the K-style gutters themselves, offer above-average strength thanks to their specific shape – the curved front wall better transmits lateral loads, which is of paramount importance in areas particularly exposed to strong winds. Moreover, this unusual profile better withstands the impact of falling branches and other mechanical impulses.
The Kynar500 coating used provides, first of all, brilliant, very deep colors. But that’s not all – Kynar500 provides unparalleled weather resistance, protecting aluminum ogee gutter end caps from rusting, bending and cracking. The thick paint coating also makes the color last for many years and ensures that the galvanized K-style gutters we produce can withstand many years of use even in unfavorable climatic conditions – rain, snowfall and low as well as high temperatures are not the slightest threat.
Discover the Richness of Kynar®500 Colors