Aluminum Coping Cap Flashing With Double Kick
Coping cap flashing, also called parapet wall cap, is a special type of flashing that protects the top of parapet walls. This product is dedicated to use on buildings with flat roofs – coping cap flashings protect parapet walls, which are inherently vulnerable to water leaks and drips. In addition, our flashings are an excellent decorative element, making a great addition to aluminum box gutters. Their use combines functionality with aesthetics.
The use of a kick portion at the end of the drip edge flashing ensures that dripping water is directed sideways rather than vertically downward. This protects wall cladding material, such as wall panels or stucco, from water penetration, which can happen if the parapet wall is not properly sealed. This gentle bending of the sheet metal makes the building much better protected from moisture, which of course translates into a long and trouble-free life for the roof and walls.
As standard, all the parapet wall flashings we produce are offered with a kick. However, upon request, we can produce flashing without this element. In addition, we offer both drip edges with kick and with hem, as well as without hem. Both types of flashing cost exactly the same, and we can make hem regardless of the size of the items produced.
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